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The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths

- Elisabeth Kubler- Ross

Trauma Centered Work

There are many trauma modalities available and it can be confusing to navigate all the different options. My trauma offerings are based off the polyvagal theory and the understanding that trauma can get "stuck" in our bodies and dysregulate our nervous system, as well as impact our emotional and cognitive abilities. 

Swimming Sun

I base my trauma offerings on three different trauma therapies: Developmental Transformations (DvT), Internal Family Systems and Trauma Centered Therapy. I choose the method of trauma treatment grounded in your goals and readiness.

For a client who is exploring their experience(s) of trauma and is looking for a gentle approach, I integrate Internal Family Systems and somatics-based awareness. Clients will learn to recognize their body's warning signals and thoughts, and allow the release of the trauma. I often incorporate creative arts therapy methods to this work to further deepen the experience.  This approach works well with complex trauma.

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For a client who is interested in body-centered work and willing to explore their experiences in a creative way, I will integrate sound and movement using the Developmental Transformations (DvT) approach. In this approach we allow ourselves to notice what is presently coming up in our bodies, feel it, and animate it into an expression in an experience very similar to Dance Therapy.  DvT has been proven to be an incredibly effective form of treatment for Complex-PTSD as well as anxiety, depression, attachment injuries and borderline personality disorder. 

For a client looking to heal from a single event that was deeply horrific (such as a car accident, an assault or a natural disaster) I would recommend using Trauma Centered Talk Therapy. This type of therapy is focused on the retelling of the story of the trauma in great sensory detail with a trained therapist who can help you regulate throughout. It is a type of exposure therapy. This is an intense experience and would require weekly sessions, if not more often. 

You don't have to know what type of trauma therapy you are interested in. I invite you to connect with me and we can explore which modality or modalities fit your goals the best. 

Trauma Resources for Survivors & The Curious

Dr. Jacob Ham
Director, Center for Child Trauma and Resilience
at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, New York

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Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
California, USA 

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Trauma and the Brain

The Body Keeps the Score

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