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Flower Blossoms


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Supporting.  Creating.  Processing.  Together.          Kitchener Ontario   

We are a community of wellness professionals who use creativity in our work with the community.  

We are social workers, psychotherapists, life coaches, doctors, nurses, music therapists, art therapists, teachers, creative art-makers, aspiring art-makers, entrepreneurs and small business owners.

We use creativity and community to fuel our work and process our stumbling blocks.  We would love to welcome you.  

Mailing List

Join the mailing list to get monthly updates about what is happening at Creativity Club.​

You can also submit opportunities for creative trainings, events or job opportunities to be shared with the community and get more exposure.  

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Networking and training opportunities will be arranged two to three times a year.  Meet other creatives and hone your creative vision.  
Meet-Up invitations are shared through the Mailing List.  


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Processing Circle.... Coming Soon! Sign Up to Stay Informed.

A creative and embodied space for therapists to process their secondary trauma or burnout.  Limited to Registered Professionals or Students.  


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Curious?  Sign up for the Mailing List

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