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"Be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; 
You have a right to be here"
- Max Erhmann


In-Person Sessions Monday Evenings at
9 Samuel Street, Kitchener, inside The Branches Yoga Studio

As Available

Virtual Sessions  
Monday & Wednesday Evenings, and Saturday Days

As Available

Individual, Couples and Family sessions are $140 per clinical hour (50 minutes), taxes included. 


As a Registered Social Worker, my services are covered under your workplace benefits or health insurance. It is important to check with your provider to ensure that MSW/RSWs are covered under your plan.


Receipts will be provided to you by email for re-imbursement from your provider. If you are not covered, I recommend that you keep your receipts to claim them on your income tax as a Medical Expense Tax Credit (METC).

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