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"The body is the heart of the work;
Return here when lost"
- Randy McCommons RDT/BCT, MFT

Mind-Body Therapy

Mind-Body Therapy Specialties Include: 

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Individual Drama Therapy

In your individual drama therapy session, I might ask you:

  • To show me an object that reminds you of your mother 

  • What color your mood feels like today

  • What life role you would like to play with today

  • How could we express that feeling through movement?


In drama therapy sessions, I use story, metaphor, and play to help you make meaningful change.



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Embodied Play Groups

The Playspace is a safe and co-created space for imaginative play - expanding our creativity, processing our lives, and finding flexibility and inspiration in our bodies. 


Groups available for:

  • Adults wanting to connect with their playful self

  • Teens looking to understand their place in the world

  • Children looking to develop emotional regulation skills and self esteem

  • Trauma specific groups


This type of group therapy has been proven to be effective for people struggling with PTSD and C-PTSD.


I will custom design a Theatre of the Oppressed workshop for your community (workplace, church, school, volunteer community)  to address (a) social justice issue(s) and enact change.  Workshops are active and embodied, creating deeper and experiential learning that hits the body's memory, and not just the cognition.


Workshops are designed to meet your goals and objectives. Can be booked as a half or full day workshop, or multi-day workshop. 

Theatre of the Oppressed Workshops

More About Drama Therapy

Drama Therapy is an active, experiential approach to facilitating change. Through storytelling, projective play, and purposeful improvisation  participants are invited to rehearse desired behaviors, practice being in relationship, expand and find flexibility between life roles, and perform the change they wish to be and see in the world.



North American Drama Therapy Association

Developmental Transformations

Lessen your fear of instability, change and difference

Learn to tolerate the instability of being


"DvT engages the client in spontaneous free play"
Jason Butler


"A means to deal with the dilemna of being in an instable world full of paradox."
David Read Johnson

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Many of us live in our heads 98% of the time.


We love to over-think, remember, analyze, think again, and sometimes (...erm... often)
we dissociate and forget our bodies. 
And yet, scientists keep telling us that humans hold our memories,
our traumas, and our emotions in our bodies.


Mind-body therapy will allow you to experience your body's wisdom and innate creativity
and integrate it in your life. 

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